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Read raw ADCP txt file into R and format. Label each row with the appropriate variable name (i.e., "SensorDepth", "WaterSpeed", or "WaterDirection").


adcp_read_txt(path, file_name = NULL, rm_dups = TRUE)



Path to the txt file (including ".txt" extension) or to the folder where the txt file is saved.


Required if path does not include the file name. Include the ".txt" file extension. Default is file_name = NULL.


Logical argument indicating whether to remove duplicate rows. Default is TRUE. (Note: the Num column is removed before checking for duplicate rows.)


Returns a data frame of the data with a single header row and each row labelled as "SensorDepth", "WaterSpeed", or "WaterDirection".


The timestamp_ns column is in the timezone of the deployment date (e.g., "AST" if deployed in November to March and "DST" if deployed in March to November). The timestamp_ns does NOT account for changes in daylight savings time. Here, the timestamp_ns is assigned a timezone of "UTC" to avoid NA values during the beginning of daylight savings time (e.g., 2019-03-10 02:30:00 is NOT a valid time for the "America/Halifax" timezone). This timestamp_ns can be converted to true UTC using adcp_correct_timestamp().

A warning will be printed if duplicate timestamp_ns are detected.