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Set up parameters, Errors, and Warnings for the compile_** functions


set_up_compile(path, sn_table, deployment_dates, sensor_make)



File path to the folder with the aquameasure, hobo, tidbit, or vemco folder.


A data frame with three columns: sensor_type, sensor_serial_number, depth.


A data frame with two columns. The first column holds the deployment date (a Date object, POSIXct object, or character string in the order year, month, day), and the second column holds the retrieval date (a Date object, POSIXct object, or character string in the order year, month, day).


Make of the sensor to be compiled. Should match the name of the folder with the raw data files. Most common entries will be "aquameasure", "hobo", or "vemco".


Returns a list of parameters used in the compile_** functions: final path to the folder of interest, deployment dates, vector of files in the folder, and sn_table.


A column named sensor_type is added to sn_table, with values of sensor_make. The sensor_type column is added to the compiled data (e.g., "aquameasure", "hobo", "vr2ar" vs "HOBO PRO V2" or "aquaMeasure DOT").

Returns Errors and Warnings if the expected files are not found on the path.