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Compile and format data from hobo or tidbit sensors


  trim = TRUE,
  sensor_make = "hobo"



File path to the hobo or tidbit folder.


A data frame with three columns: sensor_type, sensor_serial_number, depth.


A data frame with two columns. The first column holds the deployment date (a Date object, POSIXct object, or character string in the order year, month, day), and the second column holds the retrieval date (a Date object, POSIXct object, or character string in the order year, month, day).


Logical value indicating whether to trim the data to the dates specified in deployment_dates. (Note: four hours are added to the retrieval date to account for AST, e.g., in case the sensor was retrieved after 20:00 AST, which is 00:00 UTC the next day.) Default is trim = TRUE.


Character string indicating whether data to be compiled is from hobo sensors (default) or tidbit sensors. Will be used to fill in the sensor_type column of the output file. The raw file format is the same for each type of sensor.


Returns a tibble with the data compiled from each of the hobo or tidbit sensors.


This code does not correct dissolved oxygen data for salinity.

Exported hobo data must be saved in a folder named hobo in csv format. Exported tidbit data must be saved in a folder named tidbit in csv format. Folder name is not case-sensitive.

All of the csv files in the hobo or tidbit folder will be compiled. The name of each file must be the serial number of the sensor.

The timestamp columns must be in the order "ymd IMS p", "Ymd IMS p", "Ymd HM", "Ymd HMS", "dmY HM", or "dmY HMS".


Danielle Dempsey