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Compiles and formats temperature and seawater depth data from VR2AR sensors.


  trim = TRUE,
  depth_override = NULL



File path to the vemco folder. This folder should have one csv file that was extracted using Vue software. Other file types in the folder will be ignored.


A data frame with three columns: sensor_type, sensor_serial_number, depth.


A data frame with two columns. The first column holds the deployment date (a Date object, POSIXct object, or character string in the order year, month, day), and the second column holds the retrieval date (a Date object, POSIXct object, or character string in the order year, month, day).


Logical value indicating whether to trim the data to the dates specified in deployment_dates. (Note: four hours are added to the retrieval date to account for AST, e.g., in case the sensor was retrieved after 20:00 AST, which is 00:00 UTC the next day.) Default is trim = TRUE.


An optional character string indicating which depth variable to compile. In some files (e.g., Borgles Island 2018-02-28), there is only one "Seawater depth" observation, but a full deployment of "Average seawater depth" observations. In this case, force the code to compile the average seawater depth with depth_override = Average seawater depth.


Returns a tibble with the data compiled from the file in path/vemco.


The raw vemco data must be saved in a folder named vemco in csv format. Folder name is not case-sensitive.

If there are "Temperature" entries in the Description column, these will be extracted and compiled. If there are no "Temperature" entries, but there are "Average temperature" entries, these will be extracted and compiled. Otherwise, the function will stop with an error message.

If there are "Seawater depth" entries in the Description column, these will be extracted and compiled. If there are no "Seawater depth" entries, but there are "Average seawater depth" entries, these will be extracted and compiled. Otherwise, the function will stop with an error message. (See argument depth_override for exception.)


Danielle Dempsey